Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good Luck Chuck

I remember when I first saw a trailer. It was R-rated. It was Dane Cook (I love Cook's stand up). It was Jessica Alba (I love Alba's body). It had a good premise and strangely enough, the first trailer was funny. Then rest of the trailers came out and I was no longer interested. So, when my friend gave me a call last night to go see it, I just wanted to see a movie. Thus, I watched it.

If you guys haven't seen the trailer... everywhere by now here is the plot:

Dane Cook plays Charlie. When he was younger he played spin the bottle, and the girl was crazy he had to go with. Thus he runs out and she casts a spell on him that the woman he would go out with would fall in love with and marry the person right after him.

Cut to him as an adult and his last girlfriend is getting married. At the wedding he meets Cam (Jessica Alba). She is a clutz, a peguin trainer/freak but for some reason he really likes her. Well, she is hot and very cut at the same time in this movie. Around this time he hears about him being a charm. The curse is true? So Charlie ends up banging every women he who wants him to. Four minute montage of Dane cook's ass and a lot of boobs. Well, he decides he really wants to go out with Cam. So he does, but he really needs to make 100% sure that it isn't true. From there on out it becomes the basic romantic comedy. Even ending with a plane scne that has become so popular since The Wedding Singer.

This movie really is just one of those movies where you aren't going to go around recommending it to people, but you aren't going to go around bashing it. It is just that type of movie where you sit down for an hour and a half and chuckle once in a while, have maybe... 2 good laughs, and just continue on with your life as if you had never seen the movie before. The best laughs involve Dane Cook in a penguin costume and the only actually belly laugh really funny moment of the film is during the credits involving Dane Cook and a stuffed penguin.

Cook and Alba both do fine jobs playing off of eachother. I actually felt that that is the reason that this film did not fall into an abysmal hell. They do genuinely have very good chemistry on the screen and work really when when they are playing opposite eachother. I mean, they both pretty much play themselves, but it is fine since it works in the movie. Then there is Dan Fogler who plays Cook's best friend, Stu. I hate this guy. In everything he does, I hate him. He is a wanna-be Belushi/Farrely and he is totaly retarded. His comedy is about on par with Dak Sheppard.

So, if you just want to blow an hour and a half of your life on this. It won't be a total waste, but it won't really be totally worth your money either. I would see it as a matinee if anything.

P.S. I also hated how this movie began. There was just something awkward about it. I'm not talking about the entire sequence I'm literally talking about the company logos and the title of the film. There was just a weird awkward chord that is struck with me and frankly, no me gusta.

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