Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Here I Am Rock You Like A Hurricane

Okay, well, after posting reviews and the such on different websites and in my myspace blogs, I got sick of it. Just down right tired of having only like 10 blogs showing at all times. It would push down my the short films I made and they would be gone. I was seemingly being left with this option: only post my movie reviews or my short movies. And that my friends is a decision I'm not willing to make. Thus, I created this blog.
I'm pretty much here to share all things to do with me that is movie related. Those 3 things will be:

1) My Short Films: My friend Ray and I have a little production company named Biohazard Pictures which we make movies under. I will post those short films here.

2) My Movie News: This is be primarily about the short films that Ray and I work on. What is coming next? What are we thinking about? Why haven't we made one in months? You know, that sort of stuff. Once in a while, if I find something particularly interesting in the world of film, I will share it.

3) My Movie Reviews: This is wear I could be treading on the heals of my friend Kyle Hadley, he has a review blog also and friends of both of ours might be devided, but don't worry, our opinions differ enough that you can read both (and if you only read one, read Kyle's since I'm just getting the hang of this blogging).

I have a lot of movies I need to review that I've seen recently. My first 3 that will be original for this will probably be Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Knocked Up and Ocean's 13. But that can easily change.

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