Monday, October 8, 2007

Evil Dead II

So I'm reviewing "Evil Dead II" before I review "The Evil Dead." Whatever, I watched it first out of my DVD's so far. Plus, this is the best out of this series and when I say that the "Evil Dead II" is the best out of the Evil Dead trilogy it means it is the strongest of awesome visual and hysterical orgasms. Simply.

This movie recaps the first movie with the first seven minutes but it cuts out the characters who aren't necessary to its story, needed to tell you that before we began. We are told Ash came up with his girlfriend, Linda, to an abandoned cabin for spring break. There Ash discovers a strange book: The Necronomicon Ex Mortus, roughly translated, book of the dead. He plays a recording of a professor speaking passages from it and quickly the demons come and seize Linda. The rest of the movie is a manic crazy comedy as Ash tries to survive killer trees, candarian demons, rednecks, his own hand and his decapitated girlfriend.

From beginning to end, "Evil Dead II" is a visual treat with twists and turns around every single corner. I promise you, that if you haven't already seen it, you have not seen anything like this movie before. All the transitions are fluid and keep the pace of the movie constantly speedy. There is so many gags and set pieces in this crazy movie, but it never feels rushed. Everything just organically arises from the problems and rules set earlier in the first movie (and this movie). There will not be a moment where you are bored and not just staring at the screen at the bright colors or blood and gore that flies across the screen.

Not only is this movie an absolute trip, but it is hilarious. My personal favorite sequence involves Ash's fight with his hand which has become possessed by a bite from his ex-girlfriend. Of course, that isn't the only funny part. Now, not everyone is going to find it funny, but everyone should enjoy it. The comedy is very dark and arises from your ability to laugh at the ways people get attacked, dismembered, stabbed and killed.

The comedy could not have been sold by any other man that Bruce Campbell. My favorite actor of all time, Bruce Campbell has the chin and looks to be a hero and he steps up in spades. In the first movie, his character Ash was a whiney little bitch who was forced to become the hero after everybody turned into... well a candarian demon. This movie here though, this is where Ash becomes the Ash we all know and love. The bumbling hero that has know idea how to do anything but kick demon ass. His one liners are not in full swing in this movie, but they do start appearing. Most famously, "GROOVY!" Which is inserted in the perfect place.

All the great visuals though, those are in great supply from the master: Sam Raimi. The first movie put Raimi on the map as a great visionary, and this movie upped the antee. Truthfully, these are the best visuals that Raimi has ever produced. His direction is so powerful and just in your face that you have no choice but to be in shock by it. Every frame is filled with and there is almost always a joke at least in the back ground.

If you can't realize: I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY needs to at least see this film. If you don't like the comedy you will at least call it a visual treat. Everything is so well designed that damn... It is the perfect movie that makes me happy everytime I watch it no matter how pissed off I am.

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