Monday, October 8, 2007

Halloween Horror Reviews

Many people know that one of my favorite genres is horror. It was the first genre that I really got into and it lead me to my love of film. In fact, the movie that I consider being the steping stone into my love of movies is "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" when I watched the entire trilogy one night with my father on AMC's monsterfest (when it used to be good).

Many of my favorite films of all time are horror films and I always love to bust them out around this time. That, and usually there are some good horror films that come out this month. Sadly, the one I'm really looking forward to (Hatchet) was never in this area and will probably not be in this area. "30 Days of Night" is the only film that is a horror that comes out this month that I actually want to see.

So, I've decided, since I will be busting out my favorite horror films, whenever I watch one of them I will write a review of them. So, I shall note that if the film I'm reviewing is only on DVD or if it is theaters. Better yet even, if it is on DVD and getting a one night re-release somewhere close by (the only two I will possibly review that I know will be in theaters is Halloween 4 and 5).

So, enjoy my DVD reviews. I will also try to note which DVD I have and what I understand to be the best DVD.

Have a Happy Halloween,

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