Sunday, September 30, 2007

5 Movies For The Rest Of The Year To See

So award season is just beginning and they are all starting to roll out.

Thus here is my top 5 movies to see for the rest of the year:

5) Beowulf:

I first heard about this movie two years ago. Pretty much that Crispin Glover would be playing Grendel and Angelina Jolie would be playing She in a new animated version of Beowulf. I was just excited to see that, but the thought of it being animated did not attract me at all. Then the movie was completed and I saw the trailer and heard the buzz. All I have to say is DAMN! When the trailer first began I was almost 100% convinced that everything being shown to me was live action. Then some, probably less rendered, material came on and it still looked incredible. I have read reports of people who said that they couldn't tell it was animated for about 10 minutes. I doubt it is true, but it looks like and incredible new step for animation and there are rumors of the Jusitce League movie being made that way. I believe this movie only focuses on Beowulf's struggles with Grendel and she and that they mess with the mythology a little bit, but I seriously cannot wait to see it.

4) American Gangster

I love gangster films. Denzel Washington is an incredible actor. Russel Crowe is an incredible actor. Ridley Scott kicks ass as a director. On top of everything this film about a black drug lord in the 70's being more powerful than the italian Mafia just looks incredible. It looks like a character driven gangster film as opposed to one that is all about the violence and the drugs, which many have become today. The gnagster genre has been one of the best in cinematic history giving us classics such as Public Enemy, Little Ceaser, The Godfather Parts I and II, and Goodfellas. Now a director who has never done a gangster film is taking the reins of one that has been in development hell for several years has seemed to have made another masterpiece for the genre. Can't wait.

3) There Will Be Blood

Truthfully, I'm not a big P.T. Anderson fan. Mainly, I dislike magnolia. It revels in its own strangeness, but I do feel that he knows exactly what he is doing. This movie though, this looks like this could be his best movie yet, and from the only 2 reviews of it that are out, it is supposed to the next american classic. The reviews have compared Daniel Days Lewis' performance in it to that of Orson Welle's in Citizen Kane and Robert DeNiro's in Raging Bull. Lewis has always been an incredible actor and if he is supplying the next great performance of film history, well, damn, I need to see that. On top of everything, the poster and the trailer are intense. It also stars the emo son from "Little Miss Sunshine" as a religios fanatic. This movie is all about oil and how one man will do anything to obtain the riches of oil.

2) The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford

Somebody who follows movie knews will know that this movie has been pretty much under the "COMING THIS YEAR" category for a while. It was shot. It was edited. It was four hours long. A four hour long western where it is pretty much talking? Well, that was not going to fly for a distributor. So for those years there have been many different editors and a constant struggle between the studio and the director to allow the director to tell his story. Before the final cut of the film was shown people were saying this could end up like Leone's "Once Upon A Time In America." Which had the same thing happen to it, cutting it down to a mess of a film, but when the director's cut surfaced, it was deemed a classic. There have been mixed reviews from viewers, but critics are eating this movie up and saying that Casey Affleck is a shoe-in for the supporting actor nomination.

1) No Country For Old Men

Here it is: the Coen Brother's newest film after their two flops "The Lady Killers" and "Intolerable Cruelty." From the looks of it, it could just be thier best movie yet. A man has found a large sum of money from a drug deal gone wrong and now a bunch of people are hunting him down and wanting to find him and kill him. Javier Bardem is scarey as shit in this movie. How do I know? I haven't seen the movie yet? Well, the man just scares the crap out of me in the trailer. I do not know somebody else who as actually given me that really creepy vibe just from a trailer, but damn does he do it. This movie looks really really awesome. I just can't freakin' wait.

So there it is. My top 5 for the rest of the year. For people wondering what are my top 5 so FAR this year here it is (no explanation on it, you can read the review).

1) Grindhouse

2) Knocked Up

3) Transformers

4) Superbad

5) Death at a Funeral


Kyle Hadley said...

Not only can you get no love for Beowulf from me, I am denoting a total non love for this movie. I have to strongly disagree with your comment about it looking real. Not only does it not look real, it looks cheesily fake. The stilted movements of the characters look less believable than the video games these days. Also the studio person promised Mike it was being released as a pg-13 movie. COME ON!!

Victor Rosales said...

I'm still on the fence about Beowulf, but i can't wait for American Gangster and Jesse James. Denzel and Crowe seem like they are gonna pop off each other really well on screen. The trailer for Jesse James made me want to watch it even more, Casey Affleck is an added bonus.